Tuesday, December 18, 2012

So, we had a great time at the gig at Villa Amalias a couple of weekends ago. Many thanks to all the guys that put the show together. Many thanks also to Time Trap and Unexpected Error. See you all next time..
We also played in Parartima squat recently here in Patras, in order to raise money for the legal expenses of 4 people arrested and wrongfully charged with felonies. More information here..

On other news we'll be cooling off, as one of us has to get over with his mandatory military service. Fuck! It's a great shame that we have this obligation around here, to serve in something that we don't believe in and spend 9 months of our lives doing complete bullshit..

In the meantime, we will get on with some recordings we have left unfinished in our very own slooooow way. Unfortunately Nataraya from Thesaloniki won't be our partners in crime for the 12-intch split we had in mind. As far as I know they 've disbanded or at least taken a long pause. 
On the other hand we'll probably go on and release it with Mass Culture from Athens, which is great news since not only they play great music, but we also share common ground on the way we approach our music, away from and against profiting, all kinds of middlemen and the damn music industry.
We hope to have it in our hands by late spring, but until we have something more solid to post, we 'll keep to our own...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Live @ Villa Amalias 8/12/2012

Live οικονομικής ενίσχυσης για την τοποθετηση εξαερισμού στον σναυλιακό χώρο της κατάληψης Βίλλα Αμαλίας Σάββατο 8 Δεκέμβρη.
a.k.a. απ' τα τελευταία ιδρωμένα μπαρουτοκαπνισμένα live στη Βίλλα παρέα με τους Time Trap και Unexpected Error (sorry, δεν βρήκα link, ψάχτε μόνοι σας).
Κατά τις 9 να σκάμε ε, όχι όπως Πάτρα...

Live fast / Play slow

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Journey Through The Dark...

Somewhere along the road...

On a wall in Antibiosi Squat, Ioannina, Greece

Stencil along a stairway in EKH Squat, Vienna, Austria

"Totem to our Demise" poster in Sokolski Dom, Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Deep inside Sokolski Dom, Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Live at Steki Tei, Serres, Greece

Live at EKH Squat, Vienna, Austria

Dala Scum live at Roham Bar, Budapest, Hungary

Somewhere in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Somewhere in Belgrade, Serbia

Fields... in Jihlava, Czech Republic

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Χρόνια Κατάληψη Προκάτ_35

Live για τα γενέθλια 5 χρόνων της κατάληψης Προκάτ_35, με μουσικές από τούπα τούπα σε καΐδια και από κει σε ρεμπέτικα. Τελευταίο κοντσέρτο για μας μέχρι να ξαναμπεί ο χειμώνας, λοιπόν, τη Παρασκευή 25 Μάη...Το νου σας!

"Μακρυά από τα κοινωνικά πρώτυπα ατομικισμού, εμπορευματοποίησης, ρατσισμού, σεξισμού και ιεραρχίας, προτάσουμε την ανάγκη μας για αυτοοργάνωνση και δημιουργικότητα."

υ.γ.: αφίσα αυτός..

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hangover Afterglow

So once again we're back where we started!

5000 km through 7 countries and 11 gigs later and many many xezes later, we 're back in Minaroupolis.
We met and hung out with a lot of great dudes and dudettes out there... Had some problems on the road, some gigs postponed, some cancelled.. But in total we had a great time!

There are countless people we owe a big fat thank you and you actually know who you are. From those that helped us set our gigs and lent us their equipment, to the unexpected help we found along the way from people we've just met. 

Right now we're preparing for one last gig here at Prokat35 squat in Patras and we also plan to record some tracks for a 12" split with our friends from Salonika, Nataraya!
There's not much more to say, here are some pics from various places around the Eurobalkans! We'll post some more later on...
Live fast / play slow!

A forest 10min from Ljubljanas' center...

...Bublebay Tuna!...

Deep in EKH squat!
 Dala Scum in Saint Vitus Cathedral!

 Outside Tovarna Rog!

Anarchy in Czech Republic!

Strolling in downtown Belgrade along with the mighty Hezarder!

Ola Xyma Tour 2012: More GigPosters #2

So we're back in one piece, who would expect it?...
We 're proud to announce that the tour poster is ready, only five days after the tour is over...
Bublebay Tuna!

Here are two more posters from Tovarna Rog in Ljubljana and from Serres at the anti-elections gig sto Steki sta Tei...
More stuff later on...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ola Xyma Tour 2012: More GigPosters #1

Here are the posters for three more gigs!
The first one is from Sabbath Mass vol.2 in Beograd/Serbia in Panic Room Ziga, where we will share the stage with Hazarder (they played in Arm Your Desires fest last summer) and Gypsy Wizard And The Prophets Of Doom. The show will be followed by an afterburner dj set by dj Gypsy Wizard.
The second one is from Jihlava/Czech Republic and it will be a garage show, where we will share the stage with E.R.C.P.
The last one is from Zagreb in Croatia, where we will also play with Hazarder from Serbia in AKC Medica squat at the Grey Room.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ola Xyma Tour 2012: 21/4 Antibiosi squat in Ioannina

Unfortunately the gig in Biologica squat in Salonika had to be cancelled..I guess most of the people there are somewhat familiar with the situation..Opoios katalavainei katalavainei...
We want to thank our friends in Biologica, some other time mates!..

Instead we 'll play a gig in beautiful Ioannina in Antibiosi squat. A big thanx to the guys there for helping us out. Here's the poster for the gig:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ola Xyma Tour 2012

So the time has come to roam outside our little shithole for some gigs, along with our friends Dala Sun...
Here are the tour dates:

21/4 Antibiosi Squat. Ioannina/Greece
22/4 La Kana. Skopje/Macedonia
23/4 Panic Room Ziga. Beograd/Serbia
24/4 Roham. Budapest/Hungary
25/4 Garage Show. Jihlava/Czech Republic
26/4 Boss Bar. Podebrady/Czech Republic
28/4 EKH Squat. Wien/Austria
29/4 Sokolski Dom, Novo Mesto/Slovenia
30/4 Tovarna ROG, Ljubljana/Slovenia
1/5 AKC Medica Squat, Zagreb/Croatia
2/5 Dom Omladine, Kragujevac/Serbia
4/5 t.b.a. Greece

A big fat THANX to all the people who helped us set up these shows in their home towns, much appreciation and respect!
We'll keep updating this post and adding the gig posters as they come along.
Here are the first three from La Kana in Skopje-Macedonia, Roham in Budapest-Hungary and EKH Squat in Wien-Austria...
Apocalyptic Salutes!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bandcamp and other stories...

We've just set up a Bandcamp page, just because we actually have nothing better to do. From there you can download our music for free in better quality formats, like .wav or .flac. 

Check it out here...

On other news we're preparing for a small 2-week European tour, along with partners-in-crime Dala Sun. Also sometime this summer we'll record some tracks for a split 12" Lp and an anti-commercial compilation album with local bands. More on that when it's time...

Live fast/play slow!