So we've found out at last what the shipping cost are, in case you want to order our latest release, the split 12" with Mass Culture. The damage you'll get for supporting us will be 6 euros + shipping costs. You can pay either through paypal or with cash on delivery, but as far as I know the former option is somewhat cheaper than the latter. The vinyl will be shipped in a d.i.y. made bulletproof package made from cardboards and bubblewraps, just to be sure everything will be received the way it was sent...
So the shipping costs are:
Greece : 3,50 euros
Fortress Europe : 6,50 euros
Rest of the world : 7,00 euros
Our mail for paypal is:
As we've mentioned above, in case you choose to pay with cash on delivery and not through paypal, the above costs will be a little higher. If you want to order along with the vinyl our first release, "Subtopia" digipack CD, shipping costs are the same as the above. For more than 1 vinyl contact us first to know about shipping prices.
Cheers & thanks for the support!
Το νου σας γενικά οι από Αθήνα μεριά, μπορείτε να το πάρετε κατευθείαν από τους Mass Culture, ή από τα distro των Skullcrasher και Scarecrow. Επίσης μπορείτε να το παραγγείλετε και από δω: Admc07. Τέλος, σε περίπτωση που γουστάρετε να σας το στείλουμε συστημένο, το κόστος είναι στα 5,50 ευρά, αλλά ενημερώστε μας πρώτα μέσα από mail.
Ok, so even though this is in a sheeshee part of town, Jimmy and his gang are totally down to earth. I thought the concept of customer service was extinct until I came in to ship off a package recently.