Monday, December 2, 2013

We had a great time at both gigs in Athens & Patra and we want to thank everyone who got involved from here.. So a big thanks to all people from Villa Zografou and the collective for the financial support of prosecuted comrades, to everyone from Mass Culture, Waxing Gibbous, Αρχή του Τέλους & Κραταραμμένο Στόμα and finally everyone who supported this initiatives!

We'll be cooling down now in order to focus on the recordings of our next full length,and we are also preparing a week-long drive to the north for some live shows in January. More on that front when it's time...Cheers!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Live @ University Patras

After our show at Villa Zografou in Athens this Friday, we'll be playin here in Patra on the next day, Saturday 30th of November, along with Mass Culture, Waxing Gibbous, Arxi tou Telous & Kratarammeno Stoma.

The show will take place at Amfitheatra Thetikwn Episthmwn of Patras' University and it will be part of a 2-day festival organised by a local collective for the financial support of prosecuted comrades. The first day, Friday the 29th, will include a video screening and discussion at Estia Patrwn and the gig will take place on the second day, Saturday the 30th.

Live Fast / Play Slow

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Live @ Villa Zografou 29/11/2013

"Η τελευταία πράξη του έργου παίζεται τώρα, η τελευταία μάχη θα δοθεί τώρα, λόγω της παραπομπής μου σε δίκη… Και από αυτή την τελική μάχη νικητές θα είναι οι αντιστεκόμενοι, οι αναρχικοί και οι αντιεξουσιαστές, όλοι εμείς, οι οποίοι σπιλώθηκαν και ένιωσαν τη σκευωρία, τη σαπίλα κράτους και ΜΜΕ να τους κυκλώνει, αφού στοχοποιώντας εμένα και τους άλλους δυο συντρόφους ως “ύποπτους” μέσα στα τελευταία 3 χρόνια, φωτογράφιζαν έναν ολόκληρο πολιτικό χώρο ως υπεύθυνο για το τραγικό αποτέλεσμα που είχε ο εμπρησμός της Μαρφίν…"

Hibernation period is over. It's been more than 6 months since our last show and finally we can annouce a gig again! We'll be playing at Villa Zografou squat  in one week from now, on Friday the 29th of November along with Mass Culture and Waxing Gibbous

All earnings will go to cover the court costs of Thodoris Sipsas, who is prosecuted for the tragic incident in which 3 persons lost their lives back in 2010, when a bank was burned during a demonstration. There are  no evidence to back up this accusation, still the goverment sees it fit to continue with this prosecution. This is common practice around here...
The hearing date has been set for December the 9th. One small note: one of the terms set so that Th.S. won't rot in a cell untill the hearing date is that he can't participate in demonstrations... When goverments show their true colors...

p.s.i: Poster art by Putrefurnaced.
 p.s.ii: On Saturday Nov 30th we play here in Patras along with Mass Culture, Waxing Gibbous, Αρχή του Τέλους and Κραταραμμένο Στόμα. More info when the poster's ready...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Shipping Costs for Mass Culture/Fields of Locust split 12"

So we've found out at last what the shipping cost are, in case you want to order our latest release, the split 12" with Mass Culture. The damage you'll get for supporting us will be 6 euros + shipping costs. You can pay either through paypal or with cash on delivery, but as far as I know the former option is somewhat cheaper than the latter. The vinyl will be shipped in a d.i.y. made bulletproof  package made from cardboards and bubblewraps, just to be sure everything will be received the way it was sent...

So the shipping costs are:

Greece : 3,50 euros
Fortress Europe : 6,50 euros
Rest of the world : 7,00 euros

Our mail for paypal is:

As we've mentioned above, in case you choose to pay with cash on delivery and not through paypal, the above costs will be a little higher. If you want to order along with the vinyl our first release, "Subtopia" digipack CD, shipping costs are the same as the above. For more than 1 vinyl contact us first to know about shipping prices.

Cheers & thanks for the support!

Το νου σας γενικά οι από Αθήνα μεριά, μπορείτε να το πάρετε κατευθείαν από τους Mass Culture, ή από τα distro των Skullcrasher και Scarecrow. Επίσης μπορείτε να το παραγγείλετε και από δω: Admc07. Τέλος, σε περίπτωση που γουστάρετε να σας το στείλουμε συστημένο, το κόστος είναι στα 5,50 ευρά, αλλά ενημερώστε μας πρώτα μέσα από mail.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Split 12" Vinyl with Mass Culture

When your next release recordings and preparations span over almost two years, then it is natural that when you finally have it in physical form in your hands, you feel somewhat redeemed. It took us that long because there were some short hibernating periods in the band from time to time, but mainly because we don't want to rush things and we like it that way a little too much... 

Still the fact is that we have our second release, a split 12-inch black vinyl with our friends Mass Culture from Athens/Sparti/Tripoli/(place random city here). We want to thank Nick, Argy, Mike and John, for everything. We share common ground with those guys on the way we approach music and on the ethics part as well, so we were more than happy to share this trip with them. 

The tracks on our side were recorded, mixed and mastered by Alex K., who had produced our debut full-length "Subtopia" as well. The artwork was spawned by our good friend Admc07 and it is sick having it in 31cm by 62 cm dimensions in our release. 

(click on image to view full size)

We still don't give a flying fuck about copyrights and the like, so here is a free download link with lyrics and artwork and mostly everything. Leak it, steal it, spread it!

On the other hand, if you choose to support us and buy it, the price we've decided on is 6 euros + shipping. I will update this post when I have concrete values for the shipping costs, I hope it won't take long. Our mail for paypal is:

In case you want to order more than one copy or you want to order the split along with our "Subtopia" full-length, please send us a mail beforehand at, so that we can check out what the exact shipping costs will be. You can also get it at one of our live shows to avoid shipping costs or from one of the following:

Thanks for the support, cheers to all!
Support your local scene!

p.s.: We are currently working on the last tracks of our next full-length album. Until then...

Seriously dude, where's the damn cat?

Photo by Admc07

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Locust Mass

We are finally a week away from having the split in physical form in our hands. So we thought it was about time that both we and Mass Culture uploaded the damn thing. You can listen to it here and there and download it for free (just put in 0 euros when it asks you to name your price...).

A big thanks to our partners in crime Mass Culture, Alex, Mooth and Admc07 for helping us out with this.

More info when it's time....

Live fast / Play slow

Friday, May 3, 2013

Live @ Prokat35 Squat 9/5/2013

So, 4 days past the mass lamb massacre, on the 9th of May, we 'll manage to be all in one place to play a gig at Prokat35 squat here in Patras. We couldn't pass on this chance, since it will probably be a long time till we play another gig... Along with all the people from the squat and with Errorist from our local independent scene, we 're hosting for Sadhaka from USA. 
See you all - or as many of you will be around for the holidays - on the sky-covered trodden green of Prokat35!

Live fast / Play slow

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

We The Few Jam

We gathered some time ago at the studio of the student's dorm rooms at the university, to record an acoustic track for our upcoming 12" split with Mass Culture. We used various acoustic instruments and the whole thing was more like a jam, since we weren't really prepared, yet still the outcome is more than satisfactory.

A couple of friends helped us out in this, so we'd like to thank Xipis (Djembe & Buzukaki) from local stoners Dala Sun and Skoteini (Ney) for jamming along with us. Also much appreciation to all the people that lent us their instruments, it's great that people and bands in this scene help and support one another. Last but not least, a big thanx to Alx who recorded us until the small hours before a work day, much respect!

We 're gonna use a poem by Giorgos Makris called We The Few as unspoken lyrics or something like that, hence the title... It's some of the most powerful writings we've read these last years.

Cheers to all!

p.s.: Solidarity to all the Squats and autonomous places that have been evacuated in these last months and all the people that fight through state prosecutions and fascist propaganda.

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"
M.L.King Jr.